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Formatting XamCurrencyEditor


I m using Infragistics grid with XamCurrencyEditor with the following mask,

 ValueEditor.RegisterDefaultEditorForType(typeof(double), typeof(XamMaskedEditor), true);

string digitAfterDecimal = "{double:-25.2:c}";  

XamCurrencyEditor.RegisterDefaultMaskForType(typeof(decimal), digitAfterDecimal);


The above mask displays all the data with two decimals (for ex. 25.89, 1,475.25, 478.00)


But my requirement is to displat data like this (with zero values suppressed),


Can somebody help me in this regard?

  • 69686
    Suggested Answer


    The mask that you have specified forces the editor to always display two digits after the decimal point. If the values does not have them, they will be filled out with zeros. You have to use another mask to do this - a mask which has non-required digit placeholders after the decimal point. For example, the "n" token in a mask is a non required placeholder. You can see different masks here,