My application acts like a monitor on a database.Every 5 seconds I'm retrieving the data and setting it to the grid.DataSource.public void SetDataSource(object dataSource){ //Before the data changes we save the selected DataId and the scroller ofset, // and if we can, resetting it after so the user wont fill the cange. double scrollerVerticalOffset = this.grdData.ScrollInfo.VerticalOffset; int selectedDataId = 0; this.TryGetSelectedDataId(out selectedDataId); this.grdData.DataSource = (IEnumerable)dataSource; Record selectedDataRecord = null; if (this.TryGetDataRecord(selectedDataId, out selectedDataRecord)) { this.grdData.ActiveRecord = selectedDataRecord; } this.grdData.ScrollInfo.SetVerticalOffset(scrollerVerticalOffset);}I have encountered these 2 issues which I need help for,Both happens even when the data in the database isn't changed at all :1. If no row was selected before the update, the ScrollInfo.SetVerticalOffset sets the offset to the offset before the change like it suppose to, but the grid automaticly scrolls to the top of the grid.If a row was selected before the update, the grid remains scrolled to the same offset it was before, just like I want it to do.2. If I do select a row and scrolls down, the application looks ok and nothing flickers,Except when the mouse hovers above the grid.The row below the mouse changes color like it suppose to, but with every grid.DataSource set, the row's unique color jumps to a different row and back.Can someone help me with these issues ?ThanksEyal
Wow! That's great news!
Ah, I think I've found the ACTUAL issue, or property that's causing my issue... it was actually RecordContainerGenerationMode. If I set that to anything but Recylce, I get the flicker. Thanks for pushing me in the right direction.
Ok I think I narrowed it down to the fact that I have the ActiveDataItem and ActiveRecord properties bound to my view model. Once I remove those bindings, the flicker completely goes away, but then I lose the functionality I need with those properties :P It may just be something I have to deal with, the flickering isn't too bad and more of annoyance than anything.
I'm using Drop 9 at the moment.... I'm trying to narrow the issue down some more, after I find the issue, I'll submit the request. It may be due to the fact that I'm publishing an event after I retrieve my data... I'll let you know more as I figure it out. Thanks again, Curtis.
That's interesting that it might be Prism related.
We do have experience working with Prism. if it's pretty serious, you could send us the information that might help us to reproduce the problem. Are you using the most recent version of CAL? If you would, send the information to developer support at the following form, that would be great. Also, request a work-around to the bug.