Problem here is, i create an user control with some rich ui controls and functionality.
Then I set that user control as a content in a ContentPane and added into tab container as document at runtime.
If i close the tab pane using tab header / (x) icon / context menu -> close,
The pane get close but the content remain in memory. How?
(I tried with CloseAction = RemovePane and HidePane)
Actually i binded a command in user control, even after closed the window the canexecute fires oftenly.
So, How to destroy the content when close the content pane?
Alex, I am using NetAdvantage for Win Client 2009 Vol 2. released on September 14, 2009. Is there something newer than this? If so, how do I get it as it is not listed in my subscription?
I can see that this issue is already released, so if you are using the latest service release, you should not be seeing this behavior.
Alex, any ideas when this issue will be resolved? Thanks.
Thanks Alex.
Hello Ramesh,
We have already detected such an issue, where the ContentPanes are not removed when the CloseAction set to RemovePane under XP. I am going to create a support case on your behalf and link that case to your issue.