the structure of my solution is as follows:<XamRibbonWindow><Ribbon><XamDockManager> ... several areas and one DocumentContentHost ...
Until today I was using Infragistics version 8.2. I used the DockManger to implement kind of a workspace management system. So I create the ContentPanes and so on myself. The code following show how I do this:
Adds the view to the docking contol without making it visible./// <param name="view">The view to add.</param>/// <param name="areaName">Name of the area.</param>/// <returns>[true] when successful.</returns>public bool Add(IView view, string areaName){... ContentPane newPane = new ContentPane();
// Find parentSplitPane splitPane = null;FrameworkElement representation;if (this.areaRepresentations.TryGetValue(areaName, out representation)){DocumentContentHost contentHost = representation as DocumentContentHost;if (contentHost != null){// Use first found SplitPane or create new onesplitPane = contentHost.Panes.FirstOrDefault<SplitPane>();if (splitPane == null){splitPane = new SplitPane();splitPane.Name = ('Z' + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));contentHost.Panes.Add(splitPane);}}else{splitPane = representation as SplitPane;}}
// Add TabGroup ...TabGroupPane parentPane = null;if (splitPane.Panes.Count == 0){parentPane = new TabGroupPane();parentPane.Name = ('Z' + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));parentPane.Focusable = true;splitPane.Panes.Add(parentPane);}else{parentPane = splitPane.GetFirstDescendantOfType<TabGroupPane>();}
// Set Header ...newPane.SetBinding(ContentPane.HeaderProperty, descriptionBinding);
newPane.Content = view;parentPane.Items.Add(newPane);newPane.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;return true;}
When activating the view I set the visibility to visible. This worked until today, but now the activation of views works still, but I can't focus the view using the mouse. Tab navigation is still working normal.
Did something concerning the focus handling inside the dock manager has changed?
I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance, Stef
I figured out that it's not because of the XamDockManager, but when I remove the ribbon everything works normal. I checked that all elements i create are focusable= false. But this had no effect.
Thanks for help
I'm not sure I understand what problem you are having. Do you have a project the reproduces the issue so we can look into it?
I figured out the Problem was:
In the newer version of Infragistics there is a DockPanel separating the ribbon from the newly added status bar at the bottom. Unfortunately we have a DockPanel style in our application defining a background color (transparent). So all click events were handled by the DockPanel.
Thanks for your help anyway.