Adding a MenuTool to QuickAccessToolbar and accessing it seems to turn a child's caption into "{DisconnectedItem}" in all locations.
Could you provide a sample that demonstrates the issue?
<r:MenuTool Id="SaveAsMenu" Command="{x:Static ApplicationCommands.SaveAs}" Caption="Save _As" LargeImage="/Images/Large/SaveAs.png" ButtonType="Segmented"> <r:ButtonTool Id="SaveAs" Command="{x:Static ApplicationCommands.SaveAs}" Caption="Save _As" LargeImage="/Images/Large/SaveAs.png" r:MenuTool.MenuItemDescription="Save a copy of the item in one of several formats." /> </r:MenuTool>
we have the same problem! Last week we converted our project to the .NET Framework 4.0, now we have the "{DisconnectedItem}" problem too. I think the reason is the combination ".NET 4.0" and Infragistics???
I confirm initially having the problem on non-RTM .NET 4.0. Which version do you work with?
We use the official release version ".NET Framework 4.0.30319"
Yes the problem only seems to occur when using CLR 4. The issue has been addressed internally and we will be included in the next hotfix.
I get this error when trying to add recentitems programmatically in code behind to the application menu. Anyone know of a workaround short of downgrading to 3.5 that I can use until the hotfix is available?
Hello again,
I tested the sample I sent you before with CLR3, and everything seems to work normal on my side. Could you please tell me what is the exact version of our controls that you are using. I tested the sample with version 12.1.20121.2002.
Looking forward for your reply.
Tanks for the sample, I open it, and find that Infragistics are version 4.0 but when I used for my version this are Infragistic 3.0 the bug is show.
I have to change infragistic 3 for infragistic 4 , haven'n you?
Thank you for your post. I have been looking into your post and I created a sample project for you using the code you have provided and everything seems to work ok on my side. If the sample doesn’t satisfies all your needs feel free to modify it, so it reproduces your behavior and send it back to me for further investigation.
Well, me too. This Bug is present when i changed the childs in my case ase buttons, example.
The first time I create 5 buttons from a list, like this
for (var any from list)
{ ...
ButtonTool btn = new ButtonTool();
btn.Caption = (contador + 1).ToString() + " - " + datosMenu.Nombre;
btn.LargeImage = UtilitariosImagenes.ObtenerImagen(datosMenu.Imagen, Recursos.RecursosImagenes128);
btn.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(btn_Click);
btn.Tag = datosMenu;
apmPrincipal.RecentItems.Add(btn);//Here add new button
This code is ok when is the first time, but the next time always empty the Recent Itmes and reuses that code.
the sentence for clear is this
//reuse code for add the buttons.
In this time is showed the bug.
Please your help.
thks a lot.
btn.Caption = (contador + 1).ToString() +
+ datosMenu.Nombre;
btn.LargeImage =
btn.Click +=
Oh, sorry, I wasn't aware we are not using the latest hotfix. I'll try and if it still doesn't work I will provide an example.