Is it possible to change the Text "item/s" of the GroupRow. I mean the row that appears when I group a DataGrid with the GroupByAreaMulti. There is writen the value on that the group is based and behind it in brackets (12 items).
I would like to translate that text into german like (12 Einträge).
How can I do this.
Yes, It seems that there is an issue with the documentation. We are currently working on this.
Thanks for pointing out.
Please note that you can download the documentation offline. You can find it in your Keys & Downloads page in our website.
Do you have problems with your Online-Documentation?
The link you gave me yesterday is not valid anymore. Everytime I try to reach the Documentation I fall back to the Start-Page.
Thank you,
that was exactly what i wanted
Thomas Popp
Yes, this is controlled by the predefined customization strings. You can see how to modify them here:
You need the DataPresenter Resource strings.
Hope this helps.