Is there the possibility to put summary in the grouped rows?Take the xamFeatureBrowser XamDataGrid-RowSummaries-CustomStyling example:1)Set Summary Diasplay Area to TOP2)Set Group by Display Area to DataRecordsOnly3)Drag Team column and group by Team: we see two grouped rows4)Expand the first row and see the summary row right below the grouped row.What I ask is: can i have the summaries directly in the grouped row?(or can I format the option -InGroupByRecords- in a way that allow correct horizontal positions of the summary text in the corresponding column?)Another question:I need to allow users to click on summary values to perform further actions based on the source column of the selected summary value in the grouped row selected.So I have to retrieve the source colum name and also navigate somehow the hierarchical tree of the groupBy to find all the parent groups if any.How can I navigate through the GroupBy tree?
Here's what I am getting when using your code. The summaries as still aligned correctly. I am using the latest service release for 9.2 (9.2.20092.2001). There must be something else affecting this behavior. Can you please give us more information on your setup/environment or put together a small isolated sample with this behavior so that we can look into it.
Hello Alex,unfortunately I have two more questions...This is the code that allow me to set the grid with summaries on the header row itself.//display area optionsthis.xamDataGrid1.FieldSettings.SummaryDisplayArea = SummaryDisplayAreas.InGroupByRecords | SummaryDisplayAreas.TopLevelOnly;//position summary in the description row in a new line below, as the property saythis.xamDataGrid1.FieldLayoutSettings.GroupBySummaryDisplayMode = GroupBySummaryDisplayMode.SummaryCellsAlwaysBelowDescription;//put column header only on top of the gridthis.xamDataGrid1.FieldLayoutSettings.HeaderPlacement = HeaderPlacement.OnTopOnly;
You can see an example in the jpg I posted right below.As you can see, dragging two or more items in the group area to perform some more group-by correctly moves the colum headers a little to the right, depending of the increasing indentation.The problem is that the summaries in the rows of the first group-by item don't align theirselves with the other header row summaries (which are correctly aligned with the header column).It seems that no events are triggered by the first header row.My first question is simple: how can I keep summaries aligned with the proper header column?My second question: can I modify the source code to change the 'GroupBySummaryDisplayMode.SummaryCellsAlwaysBelowDescription' into a more suitable 'SummaryCellsAlwaysInTheSameLineOfDescription'? I suppose that this code change will bring the header row at its default height values.If the answer is Yes, is this modification quite simple? Could you help me writing some code? Or where can I find the class(es) to change?
Thanks, I will use this last option, even if I will have to manage the row height.
Actually, you can check the GroupBySummaryDisplayMode property of the FieldLayoutSettings and set it to SummaryCellsAlwaysBelowDescription.
I think the best way would be to set InGroupByRows. You might also want to submit a feature for this, giving detailed information on your requirement and we will try do include this in one of our future release.
You can submit a feature on this link: