Is there the possibility to put summary in the grouped rows?Take the xamFeatureBrowser XamDataGrid-RowSummaries-CustomStyling example:1)Set Summary Diasplay Area to TOP2)Set Group by Display Area to DataRecordsOnly3)Drag Team column and group by Team: we see two grouped rows4)Expand the first row and see the summary row right below the grouped row.What I ask is: can i have the summaries directly in the grouped row?(or can I format the option -InGroupByRecords- in a way that allow correct horizontal positions of the summary text in the corresponding column?)Another question:I need to allow users to click on summary values to perform further actions based on the source column of the selected summary value in the grouped row selected.So I have to retrieve the source colum name and also navigate somehow the hierarchical tree of the groupBy to find all the parent groups if any.How can I navigate through the GroupBy tree?
Hi Alex,
How do i get rid of the default group summary description like (no of items)
My dll are 9.2.20092.2001, I think it is the last service release
The problem arises only when expanding a group AND scrolling the grid up and down with the scrollbarPlease see the attacched screenshot.Thanks, VALERIO
On the screenshot is what I am seeing after I start the project and expand the records. That is not what you are seeing, is it?
We had an issue regarding misalignment of header when the XamDataGrid starts grouped and the HeaderPlacement is OnTopOnly. This looks like a similar (if not the same) scenario, so if you are not using the latest service release please download and test your project with it.
If you are using the latest service release, please attach a screenshot of the incorrect behavior and give us some more details on your environment.
Hello, Alex,I found a strange behavior in the attacched project (the same we'have been working on).I grouped everything and then opened the rows to navigate inside just to allow the scrollbar to appear.
Playing with the scrollbar I see a disallignment between the header columns and the inner columns .
Is there any workaround for this behavior?
Here is what you can use to get to the clicked summary:
// Register the Mouse Left Click Event:
EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(typeof(GroupByRecordPresenter), GroupByRecordPresenter.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDownEvent,
new MouseButtonEventHandler(presenter_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown));
// Handle it:
void presenter_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
SummaryResultPresenter presenter = Infragistics.Windows.Utilities.GetAncestorFromType(e.OriginalSource as DependencyObject,
typeof(SummaryResultPresenter), false) as SummaryResultPresenter;
if (presenter == null)