I would like to bind the IsFilteredOut property of the data record to a corresponding property on the dataitem bound to the record (i.e. Record.DataItem.IsFilteredOut)
Is there a way to do this via XAML?
Hello Guy,
Here you can see how to use a Converter in the Binding:
Also since the IsFilteredOut Property is read-only the Binding's Mode should be OneWay.
How can i pass the IsFilteredOut property to a Value Converter?
Data binding on internal objects which are generated at run time by the RecordsPresenter is tricky. Unless you have hard-coded records (created in XAML and not through data binding using auto-generation), I don't believe this can be done in XAML. Additionally, this property is read only which would affect the binding expression as well. A better approach would be to handle the logic programmatically. Commands and ValueConverters provide a way to be object oriented with code. Please let us know if you need more help with this issue.