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Date Validation using XamDateTimeEditor


    I need to basically ensure that the user does not select a date less than todays date. I tried to use the value constraint as below. I did not get this working since I try to attach a custom object as a value for the "MinInclusive" field. 

   If I give a hard coded date it validates correctly. Can anyone suggest how to bind my custom object to the MinInclusive field? Im using MVVM pattern

<igDP:Field Name="AuditScheduledDate">


                                    <igDP:FieldSettings EditorType="{x:Type igEdit:XamDateTimeEditor}" EditAsType="{x:Type Sys:DateTime}">


                                            <Style TargetType="{x:Type igEdit:ValueEditor}">


                                                    <Setter Property="ValueConstraint">


                                                            <igEdit:ValueConstraint MinInclusive="{Binding Path=MinDate, Mode=TwoWay}" MaxInclusive="01/01/2050" />



                                                    <Setter Property="InvalidValueBehavior" Value="RetainValue" />



                                                    <Trigger Property="IsValueValid" Value="false">


                                                            <Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="Red" />











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