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deleting records using Linq

Hi, I am developing a WPF browser application using Linq and your datagrid but I am having major problems trying to delete a record. From looking through various forums and your help I have got to the point where I can retrieve the data usning LINQ and settign the result as the DataSource. I can add a record fine but whenit comes to deleteing I just cant seem to tie it togther. A number of forums have suggesed that once you know what records you need to delete you query it from teh database using LINQ then plase the result into a DeleteOnSubmit command. So I have the following code:

        private void datagridMapping_RecordsDeleting(object sender, Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.RecordsDeletingEventArgs e)


            DataCentreDataContext dsMapping = new DataCentreDataContext();


            foreach (var rec in datagridMapping.SelectedItems.Records)




                    var mappingres =

                        from mappingItem in dsMapping.DATAMAPPINGs

                        where mappingItem.INDEX == rec.???????????????

                        select mappingItem;


                    DATAMAPPING delRecord = new DATAMAPPING();

                    delRecord = (DATAMAPPING)mappingres;




                catch (Exception ex)


                    MessageBox.Show("Error", "Error - " + ex.Message);







I have placed ?????? where I am having the trouble. I guess I may have this very wrong so any help would be very much appreciated.



  • 69686

    Hello Kevin,

    When having a quick look at your code, this is what I notice:

    1. The records deleting event arguements expose a collection of the records for deletion as well (e.Records), which is a much more flexible than the SelectedItems.Records collection.

    2. Your LINQ query will return an IEnumerable object, so I think you will not be able to cast mappingres to DATAMAPPING, as I believe one is collection and the other not.

    3. I think you do not need this LINQ query at all. As you are adding the underlying data business object to the DeleteOnSubmit method, you can do this directly from the DataRecord. Each DataRecord exposes a Dataitem property, which will be your underlying object, in your case DataMapping so you can pass that in the DeleteOnSubmit method directly. Note, that you have to cast the Record to DataRecord, when iterating though the e.Record collection.

    Let me know if you have questions on this.

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