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deleting records using Linq

Hi, I am developing a WPF browser application using Linq and your datagrid but I am having major problems trying to delete a record. From looking through various forums and your help I have got to the point where I can retrieve the data usning LINQ and settign the result as the DataSource. I can add a record fine but whenit comes to deleteing I just cant seem to tie it togther. A number of forums have suggesed that once you know what records you need to delete you query it from teh database using LINQ then plase the result into a DeleteOnSubmit command. So I have the following code:

        private void datagridMapping_RecordsDeleting(object sender, Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.RecordsDeletingEventArgs e)


            DataCentreDataContext dsMapping = new DataCentreDataContext();


            foreach (var rec in datagridMapping.SelectedItems.Records)




                    var mappingres =

                        from mappingItem in dsMapping.DATAMAPPINGs

                        where mappingItem.INDEX == rec.???????????????

                        select mappingItem;


                    DATAMAPPING delRecord = new DATAMAPPING();

                    delRecord = (DATAMAPPING)mappingres;




                catch (Exception ex)


                    MessageBox.Show("Error", "Error - " + ex.Message);







I have placed ?????? where I am having the trouble. I guess I may have this very wrong so any help would be very much appreciated.

