I've got a column which have the template CellValuePresenter applied. This works fine, what i need to do now is pass the value of another cell in the same row as part of the MultiBinding. How do I bind to another cell in the same row?
<Style x:Key="cvpConverterStyle" TargetType="{x:Type igDP:CellValuePresenter}">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type igDP:CellValuePresenter}">
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource cvpValueConverter}">
<Binding Path="Value" RelativeSource="{RelativeSource TemplatedParent}"/>
<Binding Path="SelectedItem" ElementName="lbOfferBidFormat" />
Hello martinfenech,
Thank you for your post. I have been looking through it and I suggest you use the following binding expressions in your MultiBinding:
<Binding Path="Record.Cells[1].Value" RelativeSource="{RelativeSource TemplatedParent}"/> <Binding Path="Record.Cells[2].Value" RelativeSource="{RelativeSource TemplatedParent}" />
By doing so you will pass the values of the second and third cell to the MultiConverter. Please note, we are making efforts to ensure all posts are addressed by an Infragistics expert. We believe that the other community members could benefit from this thread as well.
Feel free to write me if you need further assistance.