I have a class with a XamComboEditor inside
this class expose a DependencyProperty with a Current selected value on xamcomboeditor member
In the constructor's class, i define a binding object between xamcomboeditor and DP:
Binding b = new Binding();
b.Source =
b.Path =
new PropertyPath(GenericDropDownListControl<V>.SelectedItemProperty);
b.Mode =
b.UpdateSourceTrigger =
this.xamComboControl.SetBinding(XamComboControl.SelectedItemProperty, b);
I use Value Property from this class to bind my bussines object. It works fine when update the bussins property from a xamcomboeditor, but when update de property in manual way, the xamcomboeditor not refresh the ValueProperty.
any help? :-(
Can you provide a sample that demonstrates the issue so we can look into this?