I have created an UI using DockManager.It has a SplitPane to divide the UI into left and right panes. On the right pane, I have a TabGroupPane on which I have two ContentPanes. Each ContentPane has a XAML UserControl embedded. Everything looks ok. But if the user close a ContentPane, how can we bring it back to view?
<igDock:TabGroupPane> <!-- Use the Image property to add Icons to each Content Pane --> <igDock:ContentPane x:Name="rightEdgeDock" Header="pane1"> <local:StoryLibraryContent x:Name="m_p1" /> </igDock:ContentPane> <igDock:ContentPane x:Name="rightEdgeTeamDock" Header="pane2"
> <local:WireLibraryContent x:Name="m_p2" /> </igDock:ContentPane> </igDock:TabGroupPane>
I noticed that if the ContentPane get closed, the m_p1.IsVisible will be set to false. I think by setting this to true will bring the content back. Problem is we cannot do this directly, it's a read only property. We also have a m_p1.Visibility property, but when pane get closed, this property remains value "visible".
My question is how can we set the m_p1.IsVisible to true? or is there another way to do this? Thanks.
i was reading this post, in one of the replies there's the following statement:
If the CloseAction is left to the default - HidePane - then when the pane is closed (e.g. clicking the X in the pane header) its Visibility is set to Collapsed. To reshow the pane you would just set its Visibility back to Visible.
this is not true for me, the Visibility remained "Visible" all the time... Don't know what's wrong
youkebb said: this is not true for me, the Visibility remained "Visible" all the time... Don't know what's wrong
ah...... thanks for the tips. You are right I was checking the visibility of the UserControl. The visibility of the ContentPane should be checked.