I need to apply a ScaleTransform on XamDockManager, I did a test and everything works perfectly except for PaneToolWindow and DockingIndicator. If I apply ScaleTransform on PaneToolWindow, the window is shown cut. On DockingIndicator not have been able to act and the indicators are shown misaligned. Is there a way to solve these problems?
Thanks for reply.
Yes I had put both approaches in the issue. To be honest I'm not sure which of those two will be supported at this point - possibly both. I'm guessing at least the latter since in a standard WPF window, the non-client area does not honor the layouttransform and setting it on the PaneToolWindow would affect that non-client area depending on whether it is using the os non-client area or not. The second approach currently does have an issue if you drag the pane into a floating state multiple times.
Ok, but the bug that I see, is on this statement e.Window.LayoutTransform = new ScaleTransform (3, 3); and not on this e.Window.Pane.LayoutTransform = new ScaleTransform (3, 3); is different.
Has you reported also this problem (e.Window.LayoutTransform = new ScaleTransform (3, 3);)?
I agree that it's a bug which I why I indicated in my previous reply that I would get the issue written up. An issue has already been submitted and a support case assigned with your account.
Can someone help me? To me this is a bug.
If I do this:
e.Window.Pane.LayoutTransform = new ScaleTransform(3, 3);
I magnified only the content of the PaneToolWindow but I want zoom the whole PaneToolWindow.Then I do this:
e.Window.LayoutTransform = new ScaleTransform(3, 3);
But in this way the PaneToolWindow is shown cut.