How to draw a trend line in the xamchart? I am using chart type as "Column". I want to display a trend line for that as shown in below image green line.
And also I want to display the trends with 3D effect. If i set View3D=true it is displaying the image very small. Please can some one help me out in this?
You can use two types of Series in the chart scene - the first one could be your "Column" chart type and the second one - a "Line" chart type which will present your trend line. About your second requirement you can translate the chart by the Z axis e.g.
<igCA:XamChart x:Name="xamChart1" View3D="True"> <igCA:XamChart.Transform3D> <Transform3DGroup> <TranslateTransform3D OffsetX="0" OffsetY="0" OffsetZ="0.5" /> </Transform3DGroup> </igCA:XamChart.Transform3D> <igCA:XamChart.Series> <igCA:Series ChartType="Column"> <igCA:Series.DataPoints> <igCA:DataPoint Value="30" /> <igCA:DataPoint Value="40" /> <igCA:DataPoint Value="50" /> <igCA:DataPoint Value="10" /> </igCA:Series.DataPoints> </igCA:Series> <igCA:Series ChartType="Line"> <igCA:Series.DataPoints> <igCA:DataPoint Value="30" /> <igCA:DataPoint Value="40" /> <igCA:DataPoint Value="50" /> <igCA:DataPoint Value="10" /> </igCA:Series.DataPoints> </igCA:Series> </igCA:XamChart.Series>
I hope this helps.
Regards Vlad