I am trying to create a custom style for GroupByArea in XamDataGrid. There is a very good example for this in the feature browser. However this example does not indicate how to display the horizontal bar on the top of XamDataGrid which hides/displays the GroupByArea content.
Actually, if you can just provide the code for the default style without the expander, that would be perfect.
I have been unsucessful at locating the default style for the groupbyarea. I have found some in the datapresentergeneric_express.xaml, but it is a bit different from what is built into the grid.
Hello Daniel,
Is it possible to provide us with your custom style for this so that we can test this?
Thank you!
If I use my own style (I want to use the default style but take out the expander so the group by area is always visible), I am no longer able to drag the column headers from the grid into the group by area. Is there anyway to supply my own style without having to provide another list of columns?
This is controlled by the ExpanderBar element inside the GroupByArea template. In order to have the expander at the botton, you have to retemplate the GroupByArea element. You can find the default xaml files in the DefaultStyles directory in the Infragistics folder. You can use that style as a base for your own and change the Grid.Row property of the ExpanderBar element like this;
Command="{x:Static igDP:GroupByArea.ToggleExpandedState}"/>
Hope this helps.