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XamDateTimeEditor -- Time Mask doesn't Bind...

I have tripple checked the DB and the field name and the data types are datetime.  In fact, I even put the mask as a date format to see if I could change the date and bind it -- and IT WORKS.  However, TIME does not.  Any ideas?





<igEditors:XamDateTimeEditor Name="txtArrivalTime" EditModeStarted="Numeric_EditModeStarted"Mask="{}{time}" Text="{Binding Path=ArrivalTime}" MinWidth="100" Width="100"/>

  • 9836
    Verified Answer


    You can try binding to the Value property of the editor instead of the Text:

    <igEditors:XamDateTimeEditor Name="txtArrivalTime" EditModeStarted="Numeric_EditModeStarted"Mask="{}{time}" Value="{Binding Path=ArrivalTime}" MinWidth="100" Width="100" />

    I hope this helps

    Regards Vlad