Hi all,
Require to make the XamNumericEditor as a numeric textbox which can take values from 0 to 999.
I’ve tried the following code as mentioned below Code1 and Code2, Getting error message "Value is invalid, Please enter a Valid value" when numbers are provided which are less than three digits number and tabbed out.
Looks like it is validating the blank value and providing invalid value message. Is there any solution/workaround for this?
<igEditors:XamNumericEditor Grid.Column="1" Margin="21,6,8.5,1" Name="txtMinFlightDelay" xmlns:igEditors="http://infragistics.com/Editors" ToolTip="Enter Minimum Flight Delay" TabIndex="0" Mask="###"/>
<igEditors:XamNumericEditor Grid.Column="1" Margin="21,6,8.5,1" Name="txtMinFlightDelay" xmlns:igEditors="http://infragistics.com/Editors" ToolTip="Enter Minimum Flight Delay" TabIndex="0" Mask="###">
<igEditors:ValueConstraint ValidateAsType="PositiveInteger64" MinInclusive="0" MaxInclusive="999"/>
Error message in Messagebox: "Value is invalid, Please enter a Valid value".
the mentioned link does not exist. please provide the link or solution
Thanks in advance
Is there any way in XamNumericEditor we can stop focus out if the value is wrong or null and also add a error tooltip for the red textbox on error.
Regarding this:
"Is there a way toe remove the ____ in the box and only leave open spaces?"
you can set the PadChar property of the XamNumericEditor of create a mask for it.
You can see the masks here.
Hello Christo,
You can change this text with Customization strings. You can find more information on the customization strings and how to set them here.
Hi Alex
Is there a way to mod the error message when the user enters invalid data? "Value is invalid. Please enter valid value. " does not provide the user with a reason on why it is invalid. Something like "Only values between 1 and 999 is valid" would help the user a lot more.
<igEditors:XamNumericEditor Mask="nnn"> <igEditors:XamNumericEditor.ValueConstraint> <igEditors:ValueConstraint ValidateAsType="PositiveInteger64" MinInclusive="1" MaxInclusive="999"/> </igEditors:XamNumericEditor.ValueConstraint> </igEditors:XamNumericEditor>
This is the code I used, but the user can still enter 0.
Is there a way toe remove the ____ in the box and only leave open spaces?