Hi All,
Do any one how can i delay the tooltip on the grid field for certain seconds
Hello Prakash,
This is handled by the ToolTipService class. You can use its static methods to change that:
Hope this helps
Hi Alex,
Thanks for Reply.
Do you i need to set the Static method for each field in the grid or only to the grid which i am using?
Do you have samples done for the XamDatagrid?
It depends on what you are trying to achieve. If all of your tooltips should have the same delay time, you can set this to the XamDataGrid and not for each field's tooltip.
Here is my code and i use it to apply tooltip property for the LabelPresenter
=Field.(ToolTipService.ToolTip)}" />
<igDP:Field Name="X" ToolTipService.ToolTip="X" Label="X" Row="1" Column="0" >
Even though i apply the method ToolTipService.SetInitialDelay(grid,10000) it never works.
Can you tell me how can i do it for this type of scenario?
hi Alex,
Thats right. I am using both the properties for the ToolTipService
But still it doesnot work with the xamDataGrid.
Can we see whle debugging where the property is actually set for the grid
As the name implies, SetInitialShowDelay will set only the Initial - the first time the tooltip is displayed. You should set the SetBetweenShowDelay in order to control the time between two consecutive tooptip showings.
here is the code
i have problem with tooltip delay.
I have the set the InitialShowDelay property to 1000.
It only delays the ToolTip for the first time i go over the Field in the grid where i have tooltip But once if one tooltip opens on the grid then it resets to the default tooltip delay.
Thanks for the Reply
Its working perfectly.
I was using the same property ToolTipService.InialShowDelay on all the field but i am still not sure why it didnt work for me.