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LoadLayout fails when using the result of SaveLayout, includes DocumentHost

I'm sure I'm misusing the XamDockManager but need some guidance. I have the task of persisting the state of all panes and thought using SaveLayout and LoadLayout would serve the purpose.

I've created a sample application with static layout, but my real objective is to make this work in a Prism application with dynamic tabgroup and content panes. But one thing at a time.

In my sample app, on window load I'm calling SaveLayout, which returns an xml string of the saved settings. Next, I'm calling LoadLayout, passing in this xml string. I receive this error:

  • The ContentPane 'Document' is supposed to be positioned as 'Document' but information for that position was not in the layout.


The referenced ContentPane is within a DocumentContentHost. Here's the XAML for the XamDockManager and its children. I can also supply the resulting XML from SaveLayout(). This XamDockManager is the only child of a XamRibbonWindow's ContentHost:

<igDock:XamDockManager x:Name="dockManager">
      <igDock:SplitPane x:Name="ExplorerSplit" igDock:XamDockManager.InitialLocation="DockedLeft" Width="225">
         <igDock:TabGroupPane x:Name="ExplorerPane">
            <igDock:ContentPane x:Name="Explorer" IsPinned="True" Header="Explorer" AllowInDocumentHost="False">
               <Button Content="Explorer" IsEnabled="False" />
      <igDock:SplitPane x:Name="ListSplit" SplitterOrientation="Vertical" igDock:XamDockManager.InitialLocation="DockedTop" Height="145">
         <igDock:TabGroupPane x:Name="ListPane">
            <igDock:ContentPane x:Name="List" IsPinned="True" Header="List" AllowInDocumentHost="False">
               <Button Content="List" IsEnabled="False" />
      <igDock:SplitPane x:Name="DetailSplit" SplitterOrientation="Vertical" igDock:XamDockManager.InitialLocation="DockedRight" Width="270">
         <igDock:TabGroupPane x:Name="DetailPane">
            <igDock:ContentPane x:Name="Detail" IsPinned="True" Header="Detail" AllowInDocumentHost="False">
               <Button Content="Detail" IsEnabled="False" />
   <igDock:DocumentContentHost x:Name="DocumentHost" Background="DarkGray">
      <igDock:SplitPane x:Name="DocumentsSplit" SplitterOrientation="Vertical">
         <igDock:TabGroupPane x:Name="DocumentsPane" TabStripPlacement="Bottom">
            <igDock:ContentPane x:Name="Document" Header="Document" AllowDockingInTabGroup="False" AllowDockingBottom="False" AllowDockingLeft="False" AllowDockingRight="False" AllowDockingTop="False" AllowDocking="False" AllowPinning="False" AllowFloatingOnly="False">
               <Button Content="Document" IsEnabled="False" />