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XamComboEditor with drop down grid

Hi. In the winforms version of your combobox there is a nice feature to be able to bind a dataset to the combobox to show a grid in the drop down. Is this available in the XamComboEditor. If not any ideas how to set this up?

  • 69686
    Suggested Answer


    Basically, the XamComboEditor does not support this, but you could retemplate the ComboBoxDataItem's template and put a XamDataGrid inside, so that you can bind to a Collection,DataTable,etc.

    <igEditors:XamComboEditor Name="xamComboEditor1">


                            <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type igEditors:ComboBoxDataItem}" >


                                    <igDP:XamDataGrid x:Name="TextBlock" DataSource="{Binding Path=Value}" />





    Then create ComboBoxItemsProvider and add a ComboBoxDataItem, which Value property you can set to a DataTable,Collection,etc. Add the ComboBoxDataItem in the ComboBoxItemsProvider and set the ItemsProvider property of the XamComboEditor.

    string[] values = new string[] { "value1", "value2", "value3" };
    ComboBoxDataItem cb = new ComboBoxDataItem();
    cb.Value = values;
    ComboBoxItemsProvider c = new ComboBoxItemsProvider();
    xamComboEditor1.ItemsProvider = c; 

    Hope this helps.

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