Is there a way to ensure the Labels in an Axis take a certain width? I'm using a bar chart and one of the data points has a long label - I'd like to make sure in the default chart's width/height (roughly 200x200) that all labels are readable.
I have a hunch I need to change something here:
<igCA:Axis AxisType="PrimaryX"> <igCA:Axis.Label> <igCA:Label FontSize="14"/> </igCA:Axis.Label> </igCA:Axis>
But the help file "Infragistics.Windows.Chart Namespace > Axis Class : Label Property" only says "Gets or sets the Axis Labels". The xamFeatureBrowser has no example to implement this minimum width for bar chart labels either.
I can take some screenshots to make this question a bit more clear if needed.
Here's my sample chart:
<igCA:XamChart x:Name="xcSample" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Grid.Row="0" Style="{StaticResource XamChartStyle}" StartPaletteBrush="#FF076CB0" > <!-- Legend --> <igCA:XamChart.Legend> <igCA:Legend Visible="False"/> </igCA:XamChart.Legend> <!-- Series --> <igCA:XamChart.Series> <igCA:Series Label="MySampleChart" ChartType="Bar"> <igCA:Series.ChartParameters> <igCA:ChartParameter Type="PointWidth" Value="1.4"/> </igCA:Series.ChartParameters> <igCA:Series.Animation> <igCA:Animation BeginTime="00:00:01.25" Sequential="False"/> </igCA:Series.Animation> <igCA:Series.DataPoints> <igCA:DataPoint Value="0.05" Label="Sample 1" ToolTip="Sample 1 Tooltip"/> <igCA:DataPoint Value="0.09" Label="Sample 2"/> <igCA:DataPoint Value="0.10" Label="Sample 3"/> <igCA:DataPoint Value="0.11" Label="Very long Sample 4"/> <igCA:DataPoint Value="0.14" Label="Sample 5"/> <igCA:DataPoint Value="0.18" Label="Sample 6"/> <igCA:DataPoint Value="0.27" Label="Sample 7"/> </igCA:Series.DataPoints> <igCA:Series.Marker> <igCA:Marker Foreground="#FFFFFFFF"/> </igCA:Series.Marker> </igCA:Series> </igCA:XamChart.Series> <!-- Axes --> <igCA:XamChart.Axes> <igCA:Axis AxisType="PrimaryX"> <igCA:Axis.Label> <igCA:Label FontSize="14"/> </igCA:Axis.Label> <igCA:Axis.MajorGridline> <igCA:Mark Stroke="#FFECE6D9"/> </igCA:Axis.MajorGridline> </igCA:Axis> <igCA:Axis AxisType="PrimaryY" AutoRange="False" Minimum="0" Maximum="0.30" Unit="0.10"> <igCA:Axis.Label> <igCA:Label FontSize="14" Format="{}{0:p0}"/> </igCA:Axis.Label> <igCA:Axis.Stripes> <igCA:Stripe Fill="#FFECE6D9" Stroke="#004083C8"/> </igCA:Axis.Stripes> </igCA:Axis> <igCA:Axis AxisType="PrimaryZ"> <igCA:Axis.Label> <igCA:Label FontSize="14" Visible="False" Foreground="#00000000"/> </igCA:Axis.Label> </igCA:Axis> </igCA:XamChart.Axes> <igCA:XamChart.Caption> <igCA:Caption FontFamily="Arial" FontSize="16" FontStretch="Expanded" FontWeight="SemiBold" Text="My Sample Chart" /> </igCA:XamChart.Caption> </igCA:XamChart>
i'm not sure why that happens, but it sounds like the chart is being updated while it's rendering, like from a separate thread.
i couldn't reproduce this, however, so i can't really tell what's wrong. attached is the sample project i used to test it out.
I am doing something similar, but instead of hardcoding the margin, I am binding it. Since my labels are dynamic, I only want to set my margin if the lenth of the longest label > N. Here is what I have in my code:
Margin="{Binding Path=YLabelMargin, Converter={StaticResource LeftMarginConverter}}" />
where my LeftMarginConverter is as follows:
public class LeftMarginConverter : IValueConverter
When I do this, my app crashes with teh following stack:
Any thoughts?
glad you found a solution. it sounds like Developer Support saw the problem from a different perspective, and that made all the difference.
Hi David,
I opened a ticket with support and they gave me the answer:
<igCA:XamChart.Scene> <igCA:Scene > <igCA:Scene.GridArea> <igCA:GridArea MarginType="Percent" Margin="10,0,0,30" /> </igCA:Scene.GridArea> </igCA:Scene></igCA:XamChart.Scene>
By setting the correct percentage, I can force the labels on the y axis (x axis in the bar chart) to have a minimum width for my default width.
these are both limitations of the chart for which I don't have any workarounds, unfortunately.
you can submit a feature request here: