I am currently evaluating the xamDockManager but I cannot get it working with CAL using floating panes. When I try to add a view to a region that is within a floating pane I get an exception that the region does not exists. Adding views to regions that are not floating works as expected. It seems that the floating pane does not get the region name though the region name has been defined in XAML .
What is the recommended way to use CAL with floating panes?
I'm now using NCAL and DocManager 9.1 and everything works.
I am seeing the same problem.
To see it yourself follow these steps:
1. Start with the “Configuration Modularity QuickStart”
2. Add xamDocManager to Shell.
3. Create two content panes for two cal regions.
4. Modify ModuleC so that the view is in a different region than the other modules.
5. Float that region.
6. Press the ‘load moduleC’ button.
7. 'boom' Catch exception
Do you have a sample that demonstrates the problem? My assumption is that since the floating panes are hosted in top level windows the RegionManager attached property is not propogated to them so you could try hooking the ToolWindowLoaded event of the xamDockManager and set the ToolWindow's regionmanager to that of the xamdockmanager. Perhaps something like: e.ToolWindow.SetBinding(RegionManager.RegionManagerProperty, Utilities.CreateBinding(RegionManager.RegionManagerProperty, BindingMode.OneWay, XamDockManager.GetDockManager(e.ToolWindow)));
Does nowbody have any suggestions?