I have a sceneraio wherein one of my column in database is of type blobdata (image). This column is bound to xamdatagrid using a converter, in which convert method takes care of converting the blobdata to a dataset. This works fine but the convertback method doesn't get called even when there are changes on the xamdatagrid.
Here is how i have binded to the datagrid.
="{Binding Path=Data, Converter={StaticResource blob2XmlConverter},Mode=TwoWay}"
Also i have tried using UpdateSourceTrigger with all the 3 different options but to no avail.
Could anyone point or suggest whats going wrong here if its really possible to have converters in Xamdatagrid?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the reply. No thats not possible in my scenario, but however i have resolved the issue.
I have set the updatesourcetrigger to explicit and i found that inspite of the xamdatagrids data been changed the underlying datasource property was not being updated so i had to explicitly udpate the datasource and that worked great.
I have yet another road block in that item .. i have to pass two parameters to my converter i.e a string and an xmldocument , is it possible to pass multiparameters through xaml. I Shall be exposing the parameters as dependency properties. Have already tried using multivalueConverters but it doesn't work well for my scenerio. PLease provide your valuable comments... :-)
Thanks much.
Is it possible in your scenario to use converters only for that field and not for the whole DataSource of the grid as it is only for one field?