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Customised XamGrid having trouble while adding new row in V 9.1 (working ok in v 8.2)


I have customised the XamDataGrid to add new row on click of a button outside the grid.

For this purpose i bind an observable collection to the grid.

The code in custom XamDataGrid to add a new row is as below


Public Sub AddRow(ByVal tempEntity As Object)


Dim dataSource As IList = Me



Me.DataSource = dataSource


intNewRowCounter = intNewRowCounter + 1

Me.ActiveRecord = Me

.Records(dataSource.Count - 1)

lstSelectedItems = New List(Of Object)

lstSelectedItems.Add(TryCast(Me.ActiveRecord, DataRecord).DataItem)

intPrevIndex = TryCast(MeEnableCellEditing().ActiveRecord, DataRecord).DataItemIndex

Me.FieldSettings.LabelClickAction = LabelClickAction.Nothing

RaiseEvent OnAdd(Me)

Catch ex As Exception

Throw ex

End Try


End Sub




Here the tempEntity is passed to the grid and is added to the Datasorce of the grid.


in this line of code

Me.ActiveRecord = Me.Records(dataSource.Count - 1)

i am setting the newly added row as the active one

This is working fine in the prototype i developed using trial cersion 8.2

but recently i bought the full version V 9.1 and this code is throwing error at the line above


The reason being Me.Records is not updated with the new count while the datasource is.

The exception was Index out of bounds.

The only thing not common to the development environment was the version.

could this be a bug.

Expecting a reply

Thanks in advance
