Here i am using xamgrid to take data from the user.
In that my first coumn should have comboBoxes from which user can select the item. How to place
comboBox within first column cell.
Please give me some suggestions.
also if the user clicks add button means it have to provide new row with again combobox in the first coumn
retaining old row.
Thank You!!!
To have a XamComboEdit, you have to set the EditorStyle of that field like this:
<igDP:Field Name="State" Label="Status">
<igDP:FieldSettings EditorStyle="{StaticResource StatusFieldStyle}" />
<Style x:Key="StatusFieldStyle" TargetType="{x:Type igEditors:XamComboEditor}">
<Setter Property="ItemsProvider" Value="{StaticResource StatusItemsProvider}" />
You can see an example of this in the XamFeatureBrowser, which is installed together with the components.
For your second requirement - adding new row, you have to add in the DataSource a new object of your underlying class (if you bind to a Collection) or a new DataRow in your table (if you bind to a DataTable).
Hope this helps,
I have already crated comboboxesw in the first column.And it is binding to xmldata also.I can also select the
items in the combobox.
But it is not updating to the xml file.
I have given the code...
data = xamDataGrid1.ActiveRecord as DataRecord;
string rolename = data.Cells["RoleName"].Value.ToString();
Here RoleName is field name containg comboboxes..
How to update combobox contents to the xml file...
Thank You!
in this case you can use the Infragistics.Windows.Utilities.GetDescendantFromType() method and give as parameters the CellValuePresenter, typeof(XamComboEditor),false to get the XamComboEditor and get the SelectedValue property.
However, we recommend using the EditorType as my previous post:
This way, you will be able to get the Value of that cell.
Let me know if you have any questions on this:
Here is a sample code snippet:
First you have to get the desired CellValuePresenter and then use this as parent object of that method.
CellValuePresenter cvp = CellValuePresenter.FromCell(xamDataGrid1.ActiveCell);
var a = Infragistics.Windows.Utilities.GetDescendantFromType(cvp, typeof(XamTextEditor), false);
Hi Alex,
void XamDataGrid_InitializeRecord(object sender, InitializeRecordEventArgs e)
DataRecord dr = e.Record as DataRecord;
dr.IsActive = true;
for (int i = 0; i < dr.FieldLayout.Fields.Count; i++)
Cell cell = dr.Cells[i];
cell.IsActive = true;
Cell cell = m_GridControl.XamDataGrid.ActiveCell;
CellValuePresenter cvp2 = CellValuePresenter.FromCell(cell);
Here, cvp2 is still null. I tried setting the DataRecord to Active and tried setting the Cell to active before calling CellValuePresenter.FromCell method but still no luck. All I want to do here is get back the CellValuePresenter for the current field. Why does CellValuePresenter.FromCell or CellValuePresenter.FromRecordAndField return null? Do you think perhaps it may be due to the Cell not being rendered yet after binding the observable collection to the grid?
This is true, the CellValuePresenter is not generated yet. You can only access the values of the record but not the cellvaluepresenter. As I can see from your other post here I think it is best to use the Loaded mode of your editor to perform custom initial logic and RecordUpdated event.