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Grid slow to display when used with WPF binding and the Office theme

I have a bit of a strange case,

I have a tab control.

And on each tab I have a grid.

Switching between these tabs is very slow.

You also end up with this in output window of visual studio every time you switch tabs:

System.Windows.ResourceDictionary Warning: 9 : Resource not found; ResourceKey='DataPresenterBrushKeys.GroupByAreaBackgroundHighlightKey'; ResourceKey.HashCode='36205315'; ResourceKey.Type='Infragistics.Windows.Themes.StaticPropertyResourceKey'

System.Windows.ResourceDictionary Warning: 9 : Resource not found; ResourceKey='DataPresenterBrushKeys.GroupByAreaBackgroundHighlightKey'; ResourceKey.HashCode='36205315'; ResourceKey.Type='Infragistics.Windows.Themes.StaticPropertyResourceKey'

System.Windows.ResourceDictionary Warning: 9 : Resource not found; ResourceKey='DataPresenterBrushKeys.GroupByAreaBackgroundHighlightKey'; ResourceKey.HashCode='36205315'; ResourceKey.Type='Infragistics.Windows.Themes.StaticPropertyResourceKey'

System.Windows.ResourceDictionary Warning: 9 : Resource not found; ResourceKey='DataPresenterBrushKeys.GroupByAreaBackgroundHighlightKey'; ResourceKey.HashCode='36205315'; ResourceKey.Type='Infragistics.Windows.Themes.StaticPropertyResourceKey'

If you turn off the office2007 theme these mesages go away and it speeds right up.

Odd?  Quite.

It took me some work to reproduce my problem in a test app but this is what I have found.

If you add XamGrids to the tab control directly, no problems (switching stays fast).  If the grids get added through a Wpf data biding the this problem occurs.

Something like this for example : (Where 'View' ends up being a control with a xamlGrid on it.)


        <DataTemplate x:Key="ContentTemplate">

            <ContentControl Content="{Binding Path=View}"/>




    <TabControl Name="BoundTabControl"

        ContentTemplate="{StaticResource ContentTemplate}">        



Any ideas? or should I be sending this one to support.