Hello all,
Is anyone aware of a way to toggle sorting back to the original order of the data. I like the label click to sort ascending, and a second label click to sort decending, but I want a third label click to remove the sorting such that the data is returned to the original order.
In the next hotfix for 8.2 (and also as part of the 9.1 release) there are actually 2 new values on the LabelClickAction enum which will allow toggling between ascending, descending and unsorted.
That rocks! Is there a place where I can see the development roadmap to get a feel for what features may be coming and when they will be ready?
Yes, there is a blog post by Infragistics Winclient (Winforms + WPF) PM Andrew Flick on that -- all details on what's new are explianed there.
For more information please take a look at the following link:
2009.1 is expected to ship this week.