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Add items to list data source after load

I am using the datasource example from the sample viewer.  Here is what I would like to accomplish. 

I am using the carousel to list all of the file types in a specific directory.  My first attempt was to put a regular list box in the template


<DataTemplate x:Key="DocDataTemplate"> <Grid HorizontalAlignment="Center" Width="170" Height ="100">









<RowDefinition Height ="0.581*"/>



 <Image Stretch="Fill" Source="{Binding XPath=ImgPath, Mode=Default}"> </Image >


<ListBox Grid.Row="2" BorderBrush="Purple" BorderThickness="1" MouseDoubleClick
</Grid.RowDefinitions ><RowDefinition Height ="0.419*"/> 

="ListBox_MouseDoubleClick" >

















Visually it looks great.  check out how I can select an item.  I have even hooked its double click event... but I have no way of getting to each list box to add the directory info for each file type.


I guess my ultimate question would be how is the best way to go about this.  can I get to the list box by way of the carousel item with regular C# code?  So far I only see the xml code not the listbox object instance.

Could I bind to a dataset and add items without using the list box... while retaining the double click event so that I can allow my users to indicate which item the would like?  thanks!








Text="{Binding XPath=Summary, Mode=Default}"



  • 69686


    You should get the listbox instance as a Content of the CarouselListBoxItem. I have created simple example and the thing I think you are trying to achieve should look something like this :

               var a = xamCarouselListBox1.Items[0];
               ListBox listbox = (a as CarouselListBoxItem).Content as ListBox;

    Let me know if that is helpful.
