Is there anyway to enable Microsoft's WPF SpellCheck on the XamTextEditor? If not, are there any plans to support spell checking in the future?
Hello, I implemented a style that sets the SpellCheck.IsEnabled property and that makes spell check work as in I see the red lines, however when I right click on the word to bring up suggestions it doesn't open the context menu with word options like a regular WPF TextBox does. See image below. How do I get this context menu to come up for spell check help on XAMTextEditor.
Thanks for the reply. Using the DefaultStyles works - I didn't know they were there.
The WPF spell checking seems to be limited to TextBoxBase derived classes. That being said the xamTextEditor does use a TextBox within its EditTemplate so you could modify the template such that the SpellCheck.IsEnabled is set. The default styles ship with the product and are included in the DefaultStyles directory so you can use that as the basis for retemplating it.