I'm creating a dashboard with several xamchart controls and xamDatagrids.
The themes for the xamcharts (ie RedPlanet, Lucid Dream, Royale Velvet, etc.) don't appear to match the themes for the xamDatagrids (Luna Olive, Onyx, Aero, etc). And the themepacks (Lipstick, Leaf, Wind, etc) appear to apply to the grids, but not the xamcharts.
What to do?
I'd like to have the same theme across all the components of my dashboard. Have I missed something? Are there a series of pre-defined themes or themepacks that work for both the grids and chart controls?
Thanks David. I thought so. If your team has an enhancement list, you might want to add this. The idea of drilling down into more detail for chart data points (using grids for drill down data) or combining charts and grids in dashboards and CRM systems is common. I'm certain that other designers would also want a common look/feel to all the dashboard components.
sorry, but there are not consistent themes between the grid and the chart. i think your best option is to look through them all and find two that match closely.