Is the support for more then 2 y axis being considered for any future release? We are at a point where customer is asking us to rip WPF xamChart out of our application and replace it with either SyncFusion or ComponetOne that does support true multiple axes feature. It will be very helpful to know if this feature is on your to-do list or not.,
XamChart can contain two X and two Y axes - Primary and Secondary. Currently, it is not possible to have more than one Y- axis on the left or right site.
Can we have more than 2 axis like the picture below? Ignoring the top and bottom label sections.
You can put 2 Y axis - PrimaryY and SecondaryY. You can try using:
<igCA:XamChart Name="xamChart1">
<igCA:Axis AxisType="PrimaryY" Name="Y1" />
<igCA:Axis AxisType="SecondaryY" Name="Y2" />
<igCA:Series ChartType="Line" AxisY="Y1">
<igCA:DataPoint Value="4" />
<igCA:DataPoint Value="20" />
<igCA:DataPoint Value="30" />
<igCA:DataPoint Value="15" />
<igCA:Series ChartType="Line" AxisY="Y2">
<igCA:DataPoint Value="40" />
<igCA:DataPoint Value="800" />
<igCA:DataPoint Value="120" />
<igCA:DataPoint Value="350" />