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Drop action of Drag n Drop and an ObservableCollection, item not showing


I have 2 xamCarouselListBox'es and Drag and Drop between them, using 2 x ObservableCollection binding

Everything works fine except.. sometimes the Dropped item does not display in the Carousel, AND if I do something like resize trhe window (even make smaller so it is nothing to do with sizes) it then appears.

I am currently going through the methods below trying to see if any fix the issue, what method is best used to force a redraw ?


[EDIT] I have found out when it happens, if I perform 2 Drag and Drop operations too quickly the 2nd operation does not get displayed, if I wait a numebr of secods (when the animation stops) it always shows

With BeginInit and EndInit it now works, I would prefer just the new item appeared in the right place, with BeginInit and EndInit the whole list is redrawn with animation, any suggestions ?
