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Legend Item Badge issue

My issues is that I've changed the size of the marker on one of my series to make it much smaller than the default size.  However, the legend shows the marker at it's fill size, so the legend doesn't look like the line. The attached image shows the issue the Cost Basis should have a very small marker.

I want to customize the way the badge shows in the xamDataChart legend.  According to the following link, it looks like I need to create a LegentItemBadgeTemplate.

Where can I get a sample template that I can use to figure out how to do this.  If anyone has any better ways of doing it, please let me know.

  • 7595
    Offline posted

    Hello Bob,

    To get the desire behavior ,on the series you can set LegendItemBadgeMode property to LegendItemBadgeMode.MatchSeries enum.

    Let me know if this help.

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