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XamRibbon/ApplicationMenu2010 Binding Error on opening ApplicationMenu.


We are using the XamRibbon in combination with ApplicationMenu2010 for one of our applications.

Currently we are using the Office2013 Theme and it seems when first time opening the ApplicationMenu2010/Backstage  a Binding Operation fails.

The BindingError: 

System.Windows.Data Error: 40 : BindingExpression path error: 'ChildDesiredWidth' property not found on 'object' ''Button' (Name='BackButton')'. BindingExpression:Path=ChildDesiredWidth; DataItem='Button' (Name='BackButton'); target element is 'ColumnDefinition' (HashCode=123050); target property is 'MinWidth' (type 'Double')

I already found a similar Thread which is still unresolved up to today:

The MainWindow.xaml looks like following and MainWindow.xaml.cs has its default content.

            <igWPF:XamRibbon Theme="Office2013">


                    <igWPF:ApplicationMenu2010 x:Name="AppMenu" Caption="Test">

                        <!--  Shows debug option if Mode is Internal  -->
                            Visibility="Visible" />

How can i fix this behaviour?

With best regards,


  • 34810
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Armin,

    I have been investigating into the behavior you are seeing, and I have reproduced it. There appears to be a ColumnDefinition for a Grid in the ApplicationMenu2010 that has its MinWidth bound to a ChildDesiredWidth property of a Button that does not exist. I have changed this to be bound to DesiredSize.Width and this appears to resolve the issue.

    I will personally be making this fix for a future release of the Office2013 theme, but you can use the attached sample project to work around this behavior.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.