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Series overlap and gap width for Combo chart Excel exporting doesn't work as expected (excel engine)

Maybe I'm missing something, I'm doing a boxplot compatible with excel 2007 (by hand) and viewing that in Excel 2010.

I'm using a Combo chart like this.

chart = chartWorkSheet.Shapes.AddChart(ChartType.Combo, cellChartBegin, new Point(0, 0),
cellChartEnd, new Point(100, 100));

chart.SeriesOverlap = 100; //I need overlaped columns
chart.GapWidth = 20;

ChartType[] chartTypes = new ChartType[seriesCount];

for (int i = 0; i < seriesCount; ++i)
    chartTypes[i] = ChartType.ColumnStacked;

chart.SetComboChartSourceData(vRange.ToString(), chartTypes);

foreach(Series serie in chart.SeriesCollection)
    serie.Fill = new ChartSolidFill(new WorkbookColorInfo(document.BoxColor));
    serie.Border = new ChartBorder()
        Fill = new ChartSolidFill(new WorkbookColorInfo(document.BorderColor))

chart.ChartTitle = new ChartTitle()
    Text = new FormattedString(document.ChartTitle)

chart.ChartArea.Border = new ChartBorder()
    LineStyle = BorderLineStyle.Solid,
    WidthInPoints = 1

AxisCollection axis = chart.AxisCollection;
Axis xAxis = axis[AxisType.Category, AxisGroup.Primary];

xAxis.MajorTickMark = TickMark.None;
xAxis.MinorTickMark = TickMark.None;

xAxis.TickLabelPosition = TickLabelPosition.Low;
xAxis.AxisTitle = new ChartTitle()
    Text = new FormattedString(Resource.MainResources.BoxPlotChart_CategoryAxisTitle)

xAxis.AxisBetweenCategories = true;

xAxis.Position = AxisPosition.Bottom;

Axis yAxis = axis[AxisType.Value, AxisGroup.Primary];

SetAxisProperties(document.YAxis, yAxis);

chart.SeriesCollection[0].Fill = new ChartEmptyFill();
chart.SeriesCollection[0].Border = new ChartBorder() { Fill = new ChartEmptyFill()};
chart.SeriesCollection[1].ErrorBars = new ErrorBars()
    Direction = ErrorBarDirection.Minus,
    ErrorValueType = ErrorValueType.Percentage,
    Value = 100,
    EndStyle = EndStyleCap.Cap,
    WidthInPoints = 2
chart.SeriesCollection[1].Fill = new ChartEmptyFill();
chart.SeriesCollection[1].Border = new ChartBorder() { Fill = new ChartEmptyFill() };
chart.SeriesCollection[4].Fill = new ChartEmptyFill();
chart.SeriesCollection[4].Border = new ChartBorder() { Fill = new ChartEmptyFill() };
chart.SeriesCollection[4].ErrorBars = new ErrorBars()
    Direction = ErrorBarDirection.Minus,
    ErrorValueType = ErrorValueType.Percentage,
    Value = 100,
    EndStyle = EndStyleCap.Cap,
    WidthInPoints = 2

//Add mean serie
Series newSerie = chart.SeriesCollection.Add();

newSerie.Name = new SeriesName(Resource.MainResources.BoxPlotChart_LegendItem_Mean);

WorksheetRegion xRange = GetWorksheetRegion(dataWorkSheet, startRow, startRow + GetTotalRequiredRows() - 1, 0, 0);
WorksheetRegion yRange = GetWorksheetRegion(dataWorkSheet, startRow, startRow + GetTotalRequiredRows() - 1, 10, 10);

newSerie.XValues = new XValues(dataWorkSheet, xRange.ToString());
newSerie.Values = new SeriesValues(dataWorkSheet, yRange.ToString());
newSerie.ChartType = ChartType.LineMarkers;
newSerie.MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Square;
newSerie.MarkerSize = 5;
newSerie.MarkerFill = new ChartSolidFill(new WorkbookColorInfo(document.MeanMarkerColor));

newSerie.MarkerBorder = new ChartBorder()
    Fill = new ChartSolidFill(new WorkbookColorInfo(document.MeanMarkerColor))
newSerie.Line = new ChartLine()
    Fill = new ChartEmptyFill(),
    LineStyle = LineStyle.None,
    WidthInPoints = 0

Resulting wrong chart 

Expected chart


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