I am trying to add some intervals to my charts, linechart and scatter chart.
I am pretty happy, with the automatic intervals when I didn't specify the number
But I want to add some lines between the intervals without any label. Something like this. (Red lines)
var series = new ScatterAreaSeries(); series.ItemsSource = dataPointCollection; series.XMemberPath = nameof(DataPoint3D.X); series.YMemberPath = nameof(DataPoint3D.Y); series.ColorMemberPath = nameof(DataPoint3D.Z); series.Name = "ScatterAreaSeries"; var colorScale = new CustomPaletteColorScale(); colorScale.InterpolationMode = ColorScaleInterpolationMode.InterpolateHSV; colorScale.Palette.Add(Color.FromArgb(90, 0, 0, 255)); colorScale.Palette.Add(Colors.Green); colorScale.Palette.Add(Colors.GreenYellow); colorScale.Palette.Add(Colors.Yellow); colorScale.Palette.Add(Colors.Orange); colorScale.Palette.Add(Colors.OrangeRed); colorScale.Palette.Add(Colors.Red); series.ColorScale = colorScale; series.Title = dataPointCollection.Name; series.XAxis = xAxis; series.YAxis = yAxis; series.XAxis.MinorInterval = 1; series.YAxis.MinorInterval = 1; series.XAxis.MinorStrokeThickness = 1; series.YAxis.MinorStrokeThickness = 3; dataChart.Series.Add(series);
I tried adding MinorInterval and MinorStrokeThickness to my scatterchart and linechart, but it seems not working.
How can I add more intervals(without any label) to my scatter and line charts ?
Hello Guray,
Thank you for contacting. You can get this behavior by setting the 'MinorStroke' brush off the Axis. Like this:
xAxis.MinorStroke = new SolidColorBrush { Color = Color.FromRgb(255, 0, 0) };
Let me know if you have any question.