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XamDataChart zoom limit


I am working with CategoryDateTimeXAxis  chart, and I'm trying to zoom very deeply, either via the UI or view code, but at some point I get 'blocked' - the zoom cannot go any deeper.

It appears that it is related to the range of the entire chart.

for example, for 10 days axis, I can zoom up to 1:10 minutes.

for 2 days, I can zoom up to 30 seconds, etc. 

(I don't have the exact numbers but you get the picture)

How is this limit get decided? how can I remove it? I would like to be able to zoom up to a second.

note that I've tried working with ScrollIntoView method and by changing the WindowRect manually - both gets to the limit.

  • 7435
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Eli , 

    You can use ‘WindowRectMinWidth’ property. This property would allow you to set the minimum width that the window rect is allowed to reach before being clamped. Decrease this value if you want to allow for further zooming into the viewer.

    Note if this value is lowered too much it can cause graphical corruption due to floating point arithmetic inaccuracy.

    You can also refer this post discussed the same behavior.