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How to extend Themed styles?


my ultimate goal is it to have my validation errors show up as a tooltip on every control while using at least one theme.

To achieve this i tried countless things. I think i am close to what i want, but i cannot figure out the correct style to base my styles on.

What i want to do / am doing with some success on some controls

<Style TargetType="ig:XamComboEditor" BasedOn="???">
    <Setter Property="ToolTip" Value="maayyyybe"/>

This is a simplified example obviously. But essentially i just want to add a tooltip to random igControls. I just cannot figure out what to base my style on. BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type ig:XamComboEditor}}" does not work. The theme doesnt get applied anymore.

I even tried setting the theme explicitly in the style, but it had no effect. And once i know the right style to base my style on, how do i account for multiple themes?

I really thought the x:Type approach would work, but its inconsistent and random. Some controls work, some dont, controls that do work in the real project dont work in a sample project etc.

I'd also like to avoid putting the entire style dictionaries for each theme in my project if possible. If not, how do i do that? The documentation really is no help.

  • 1500
    Offline posted

    Hello Martin,

    When modifying controls using themes, you must base them on the themed control.

    BasedOn="{x:Static igThemes:GroupName+ThemeName.TargetElement}"

    for XamComboEditor should look like this(using MetroDark theme):

    <Style TargetType="{x:Type igWPF:XamComboEditor}" BasedOn="{x:Static igThemes:EditorsMetroDark.XamComboEditor}">
    <Setter Property="ToolTip" Value="maayyybe"/>

    Please let me know if you have further questions.


    Tihomir Tonev
    Associate Software Developer