I use :
<igRibbon:XamRibbon x:Uid="xamRibbon" Theme="Office2013" ApplicationMenuMode="Office2010" ApplicationAccentColor="#B3C4D8" Name="xamRibbon" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"/>
When I apply theme Office2013, the xamRibbon seems change the background color.
How to set the Ribbon looks like
I solved 2 and 3. Can someone help on 1?
Hello Shengjie,
Could you tell me more exactly of what part you would like to change the color? The bluish gray background or else?
Hi Noriko
I take another look. The snapshot is come from 'RoyalLight' theme. But 'Office2013' is closer what I want.
1. I need the foreground color of disable item of 'RoyalLight' theme.
2. I need the background be a solid color
If you have other question, please let me know. Thanks
Thank you for the reply. Then, I guess all of your issues are solved.
If you need further assistance on this matter, please let me know.
Hi Noriko,
You are right. I try to change the code in Samples Browser and get same result. It looks it is just a visual psychological difference. Thanks
Here is the screenshot you shared with me. I copied the upper part and pasted it to the bottom. As you can see, the color is the same, not gradient. Could you tell me which part is gradient?
But the display is not solid, obviously it is gradient color from the top to bottom. That's why I ask your help. Could you check it again?
Thank you for sharing the information. I guess you've already solved the issues except the "2. I need the background be a solid color".
As to the "2. I need the background be a solid color", it's already solid because, whether you use RoyalLight or Office2013, that part is filled with the color provided by the ApplicationAccentColor property. As you already says, you give "#B3C4D8" to it. So it is already solid.
Could you double-check?