We'd like to be able to hide the flyout by clicking the PaneTabItem. I'm currently using the example provided here:
However, it seems that this only works if the flyout animation is set to anything other than None, which is a requirement for us. I could use an animation if there was a property to set the delay time (in this case to 0) but as far as I can see there is no such property exposed.
Any help would be appreciated!
Hello Nathan,
Thank you for the update. I have some follow up questions. What isn’t working for the code when flyout animation it set to none? Is something null or does it just not do anything? Do you have a sample you can attach?
I should have mentioned that the UnpinnedtabHoverAction is already set to none.
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
Can you try setting the UnpinnedTabHoverAction to none: