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Xamdata grid field binding refreshing issue

I have a linked collection to show n the xamdatagrid. 

here is my grid code. 

                                                <infragistic:FieldLayoutSettings AutoGenerateFields="False" 
                                            AllowDelete="True" SelectionTypeRecord="Single"/>
                                                        <infragistic:TemplateField Name="TopHorizon" Label="Top horizon">
                                                                    <controls:PresentationBox   Name="TopHorizon" DomainObject="{igEdit:TemplateEditorValueBinding UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, NotifyOnValidationError=True}"
                                                                                                Validation.ErrorTemplate="{StaticResource CommonErrorTemplate}"  ></controls:PresentationBox>
                                                        <infragistic:TemplateField Name="BottomHorizon" Label="Bottom horizon">
                                                                    <controls:PresentationBox   Name="BottomHorizon" DomainObject="{igEdit:TemplateEditorValueBinding UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, NotifyOnValidationError=True}"
                                                                                                Validation.ErrorTemplate="{StaticResource CommonErrorTemplate}"  ></controls:PresentationBox>

And my bottomhorizon changes when new layer is added. But since the bottom horizon is binded without setter


       public dynamic BottomHorizon
            get { return _model.BottomHorizon != HorizonFactory.NullObject ? _model.BottomHorizon : null; }
        }ll; }

The correspoding UI is not refreshes even dough I call  OnPropertyChanged("");

I tried to refresh the whole list to force the update (CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(this.LayerList).Refresh();) still not working. 

How can I fix this issue? Do I need different binding? 

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    Thank you for the code-snippet provided.

    However, I will need some further information regarding your scenario in order to ensure that your issue is addressed correctly. Providing a runnable sample and steps to reproduce the described behavior are going to be highly appreciated and will help me in my further investigation. Please remove any external dependencies and code that is not directly related to the issue, zip your application and attach it in this case. 

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Teodosia Hristodorova
    Associate Software Developer

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