Is it possible to do at MultiBinding of the value in a TextComboColumn of a XamMultiColumnComboEditor?
I have a multibinding that I use in cells in a XamDataGrid and I would want to use this same binding in a TextComboColumn in XamMultiColumnComboEditor. Would that be possible? - and how then to do it?
<igDp:UnboundField x:Name="xxDyrkningsNr" BindingMode="OneWay"> <igDp:Field.Settings> <igDp:FieldSettings EditAsType="{x:Type sys:String}" AllowEdit="False"> <igDp:FieldSettings.EditorStyle> <Style TargetType="{x:Type igEditors:XamTextEditor}"> <Setter Property="Value" > <Setter.Value> <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource ResourceKey=GeneticsNumbersToIDConverter}"> <Binding Path="DataContext.CurrentRequisition.RekvisitionsNr" ElementName="MyDataGrid"/> <Binding Path="DataContext.SelectedRekvisitionProeveMaterialeDto.ProeveMateriale.MaterialeNr" ElementName="MyDataGrid"/> <Binding Path="DataItem.DyrkningsNr"/> </MultiBinding> </Setter.Value> </Setter> </Style> </igDp:FieldSettings.EditorStyle> </igDp:FieldSettings> </igDp:Field.Settings> </igDp:UnboundField>
Hello Allan,
Please clarify what you are trying to achieve with a MultiBinding. TextComboColumn does have a value converter property that may help you. You can refer to the sample here that converts bool to string.