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XamColorPicker mouse interaction in shading canvas (advanced color picker) closes popup, xamcontextmenu, xamradialmenu


We using the xamcolorpicker in our application but have come across a few issuses.

We use the color picker in a xamMenuItem both in a xamradialmenu and xamcontextmenu. However, when attempting to use the advanced picker - mouse interactions in the shading canvas as well as the hue canvas cause the radial menu / contextmenu to close. It seems to be ties to mousecapture event (and consequently the popup losing mouse capture);

in the shading canvas (on mouse down)

in the hue canvas on mouse down + mouse move

In the provided sample I've used the color picker in a popup with a "normal" wpf menu and within a xamcontext menu. The sample also has  two difference styles, out of the box dark royale and  dark royal using a grid:

in the vanilla version clicking the advanced button when the color picker is in a xam context menu will close the menu immediately.

Any help you can provide would be great!