The answer to my question is likely out there but I'm having trouble ferreting it out.
I want to create a complete custom theme but I want to start with the RoyalLight theme. Basically, I would like an example that might show taking all the RoyalLight (for example) into a new project and create a new theme. I am then going to go back and start tweaking the theme for my needs.
I feel like this is probably a good starting point but it is confusing:
Maybe a sample project would be helpful.
Thx. While waiting on the answer to the combobox problem I've been working on dockmanager. I have worked through it to the point where it is giving me an error in the PrimitiveGeneric.xaml.
It is telling me that "The name "TileDragIndicator" does not exist in the namespace"
I have tried to make sense of that and also find out where it does exist.
Your help is appreciated.
Any progress?
I attached all of the XAML for setting up Royal Light for XamDockManager.
The password is removed, but if you plan on attaching don't worry I was able to download it above. I'll take a look today. The default styles for dock should still be in C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\2019.1\WPF\Themes
I think I did get one sample to upload. Link required pwd???