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Tooltip style when scrolling xamDataGrid

How can I change the style of the tooltip that is shown when scrolling a xamDataGrid, for example the font size/color, or even add custom text or an image?

I'm using XamDataGrid 18.2.

  • 34850
    Offline posted

    Hello T K,

    In order to style the “scroll-tip” of the XamDataGrid when scrolling with deferred scrolling enabled, I would recommend including a couple of default styles and modifying them. These default styles are a HierarchicalDataTemplate with a DataType targeting RecordScrollTipInfo and an actual Style for RecordScrollTip. These two essentially make up the template for the XamDataGrid’s scrolling tooltip, and so to modify it, you can modify these two elements.

    These two default styles can be found in the DataPresenterGeneric_Express.xaml file commonly found at the following directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\<your version here>\WPF\DefaultStyles\DataPresenter\DataPresenterGeneric_Express.xaml.

    I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.