For some reason the text displayed in the XamDataGrid is ignoring the spaces in the property and the text in the columns looks off.
If I copy an paste the note column into a text editor it looks fine.
Please note that these notes are padded with spaces.
Attached is a sample project.
Thank you
Hello Mike,
Setting the FontFamily to Courier New does the job.
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
I have taken a look into this and have been able to reproduce the behavior you see of the number lining up in notepad but not doing so in the grid. However this is not a case of the grid ignoring the spaces. If you count the spaces in notepad and then again after pasted in the grid you will notice they are the same. What is happening is that notepad and the grid use different fonts. And the amount of screen space a character takes up is different between the two fonts. In addition to that different between the fonts the size of the space character could also be different between fonts.