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How to configure data binding against the XamDoughtnut control at runtime via C# code and not XAML

We have a Semantic Dev application that acquires data via RDF data sources at runtime; the app is data-driven so the declarative approach to XAML-centric programming is not ideal. Instead what I really need to do is bind the data at runtime and assign values to the Itemsoure (Datacontext), RingSeries and other attributes. I have played around with the API but have missed on several attempts. I just need to know what the coded-workflow is to bind to the control at runtime using the XamDoughtnut control API set.


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    Hello Tavi, 

    I attached a sample below that demonstrates how to bind the XamDoughnutChart in code behind. Let me know if you have any questions. 

    public partial class MainWindow : Window
            public MainWindow()
                var source = new HierarchalDataCollection();
                this.xamDoughnutChart.Series.Add(new RingSeries
                    LabelMemberPath = "Label",
                    ValueMemberPath = "productionShare",
                    LabelsPosition = LabelsPosition.BestFit,
                    ItemsSource = source
        public class Category
            public string Label { get; set; }
            public double productionShare { get; set; }
        public class HierarchalDataCollection : List<Category>
            public HierarchalDataCollection()
                this.Add(new Category { Label = "Footwear", productionShare = 46 });
                this.Add(new Category { Label = "Clothing", productionShare = 38 });
                this.Add(new Category { Label = "Accessories", productionShare = 16 });

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